Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How Can You Create Lessons that Foster Active,...

A. Professional Development Need Professional development is needed in helping teachers plan lessons that foster active, intellectual engagement of all students. The essential question that will be answered during the professional development is: How can you create lessons that foster active, intellectual engagement of all students? A1. How Need Was Identified This professional development was identified by analyzing trends in the student data, as well as current trends in data collected from the teacher’s recent observations. When talking to the principal at the practicum school site, he was concerned with the overall trends from observations completed by the administrators and district evaluators. These trends showed that the†¦show more content†¦B. Collaboration After the initial meeting with the principal to identify the needs of the school, the administrators created a team which included administrators, teachers, and me. The team decided that the professional development needed to focus on just one area of the rubric. This was decided because this would allow the workshop to be more focused and future professional development opportunities can be built around this. As a team we decided that the component on the teacher’s rubric that had the most impact on student achievement is engaging students in learni ng. We wanted the professional development to be a collaborative effort where the grade levels would sit together which would allow the teams to work together and have a strong discussion within their teams. We wanted to plan the workshop based on what is expected of the teachers when planning lessons so we developed the essential question which is a concept that the school district is encouraging. We broke the component down into specific parts which made up the outline of the professional development. Because I am a peer evaluator and use the rubric daily to evaluate teachers, I was able to bring a different perspective to the conversation, but it was also interesting to hear the administrator’s and teacher’s perspective on this component. 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